crazy beautiful

Sunday, June 13, 2004

The last long weekend

Well tomorrow will see the close of my last 'long weekend break' from Frontline before I finish...only a matter of weeks to go! And a strange and lovely weekend it has been! Staying with my sorely missed Lammie, and both of us staying with Jo and the toys too. Being tempted to sack off London in favour of following in the footsteps of Est and Bri by migrating to Rose Cottage! Drinking lattes and doing cross words, cotton buds and hair balls and good old ghd! Paying a visit, one year on, to the sweaty madness of the union...finding out what all the new finalists got in their degrees...marvelling that its been a year since our results, knowing that for some of them the next year will be as much of a struggle as it has for us...wondering how it'll all turn out. Some people had changed lots, others hardly atall, and I wondered how they thought Id changed...a manicure and slightly shorter hair, or more than that? Who knows? Not me! But I feel refreshed, tonight can be speant in the familiarity of home, and then I might just be ready to go back south and handle the next few weeks, and then...? Again, who knows? Not me.


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