crazy beautiful

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Is there nothing new under the sun?

...the tune from that annoying mobile phone network advert is going round in my head and it's very annoying! But's kind of the way part of me is feeling at the moment.
I just got back from Greenbelt, lots of good things about it including: good people, good fun, good weather, the Tiny Tea Tent, good music, Flying Pig happy bacon sandwiches, the Mochamania tent, God (who's always good) and the fact that we signed up over 100 new campaigners for World Vision which was quite good (considering no-one could tell who we were thanks to a badly placed table!).
But I couldn't help being a tiny bit disappointed in another way. I went to a few seminars with high-hopes of hearing something 'new', but I didn't. Nothing I heard was bad, irrelevant or even was just a repeat of the same old theology that I so seldom see in action back here in the read world. Why am I so disconnected with church at the moment? It's not God that's the problem...he's (quite literally) the saving grace of this whole thing. I don't know, it's a bit wierd.

On a similar note, I met up with an old friend from my gap-year (last year) yesterday. We had a good chat, during which I found out that a large percentage of the other's on our year-out programme have since decided to take a break from God/church/faith/christianity (I'm not sure exactly how they'd put it). From what I can gather their belief system changed a lot and, out of the context of the programme, they felt they couldn't make it work anymore. I'm not quite sure what to say about that either...apart from that we're all young, on a journey and things do and will always change.

So, checking out now. Tomorrow I go to Sardinia to chill out for 10 days (I cannot wait), then 2 days after I get back I'll be heading of to the US of A for the wedding of a very good friend of mine.
Love lots,


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