crazy beautiful

Saturday, July 23, 2005


Sad about what's going on in London at the moment, grossed out by the errupting ants nest in the garden of what is otherwise my perfect new house, frustrated at being outbid on an ebay wardrobe and worried about a friend I just chatted to on MSN who's decided that reiki is the answer to all of lifes problems...I sit in an internet cafe. It's the closest one (that I've found so far) to my new house, and is located, strangely, in a 'Dixy Chicken' shop. Sat here engrossed in my ebay bids, when suddenly a loud noise - it's a nearby chair that's been moved and has hit the table - and I jump a mile..literally, out of my chair.The poor staff member who moved the chair looks extremely embarassed and apologises... alot. Next..he returns with a small tub of strawberry cheesecake Haagen Dazs to apologise! One of those small, well-timed incidents that reminds you that life is sweet...almost as sweet as a tub of Haagen Daazs!
p.s. I have since successfully bid on an ebay mirror and am determined to be successful on my next beats me at shopping I tell you.


At 9:55 pm, Blogger Alistair said...

Hey Amy, it's Alistair from work (why does that sound so tragic?) leaving a comment like I said I would. Online setting up my own blog... it's really going to happen! See ya.

At 11:08 pm, Blogger esther said...

go amy go! i will root for your ebay bids. can you buy some cooler weather for new york please?

miss you. kiss kiss


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