crazy beautiful

Monday, September 04, 2006

dry ground

Greenbelt is over, and it feels like my feet haven't really touched the floor since...Partly because of the chest infection from hell (well, from Andrea actually, never share a B&B room with a contagious person!), partly just because of business.

It was really good though, I enjoyed it much more this year, but I'm not sure why. It was lovely to catch up with loads of old faces, and meet some new ones too. And it was great to hear how Protest4 and The Truth Isn't Sexy campaign are progressing, with the dedication of some really inspiring people. It was also great to listen to some Ben Okafor, who I really like (does anyone know where I can pick up his album Shadows, because I can't find it anywhere??), drink/eat lots, and bond with my wellington boots.

So, back in London again. Went to see the new Almodover (is that how you spell it??) film, Volver, the other night - highly recommended - in the fantastically futuristically stylish cinema in Muswell Hill.

Lots more going on, ooh and I'm going to a screening of Al Gore's new climate change film tomorrow night - should be interesting...

Anyway, got to go, nearly time to go home. Have a good evening,
p.s. Anyone fancy a mini holiday? We've booked the beach chalet in Devon again for a week at the end of November, let me know if you're interested.


At 1:30 pm, Blogger Spearsy said...

see Amy, thats what you get if you dont camp ! Cooped up in a hotel room and exposed to germs, when you could have had fresh air and fields.

At 7:26 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Um maybe greeneblt was better coz you got to see more of me? Or because of the presence of my future hubby (daniel of course! not one of the speed daters!) or maybe because you realised there was a petting zoo!


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