crazy beautiful

Saturday, December 23, 2006


I've been tagged by Ryan (who's just got engaged by the way, congrats again Ryan!!). So, five things you may not know about me:

1. When I was a baby I had a big reddish birthmark (called a strawberry mark) on the side of my chin. It's faded now but if you look closely you can still see it.

2. My hair used to be so long that I could sit on it.

3. I once got marooned on a desert island in the Caribbean during a tropical storm.

4. I was a vegetarian for nine years.

5. I have an orange rabbit called Princess Satsuma (or Suma for short, and Su for shortest.)

And now I tag Esther, Ally, Alex, Sarah and Jason (so I hope you're paying attention guys!!).



At 1:51 pm, Blogger Telfy said...

yes yes please enlighten amy... what do i need to do now i have been tagged. full instructions pretty please with a cherry on top :O)
happy new year x x x

At 11:33 pm, Blogger amy polson said...

It's nice and easy girlies and involves no exchange of secret information or electronic bugging devices. You simply do a post on your site with five things people may not know about you, and then tag five new people to do the same xx

At 3:02 pm, Blogger Spearsy said...

ok ok i will do the tagging thing.

moan moan moan


At 11:40 pm, Blogger Martin said...

Found your blog on account of you commenting on Jason Garret's blog. Anyway, saw this meme, which has been going round all the blogs I read too, and was intrigued by one of the items, so commenting.

Anyway, on with the comment proper!

How come you were a vegetarian for nine years? What made you start, and what made you stop?


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