crazy beautiful

Sunday, March 28, 2004

" For the LOVE..."!

Well...another sunday night, another piece or work to do! This time it's my research project...last piece for Frontline, I'v decided to go for something to do with the love of's a nice narrow topic you see, not much to say on it really so it's well do-able in one night..yearrite! It'll all be ok!
Over lunch today we got talking about stuff...not sure what really, but it led onto me clarifying and voicing some thoughts Ive been having lately about changing the world...I'm getting better at 'thinking bigger' dont u think?..could be abit of your infulence there Pete..and the odd bit of Steve too, 'you see, the truth - is - this...'. and my group of friends and, I suspect, others seem to be at this place at the moment...sort of waiting for something to happen, and maybe abit of disbelief and confusion that this is where we're at right now...wherever that may be. We want to change the world you see...we just do. And we don't feel that, really, we're changing much of anything right now. But I was thinking...and maybe we are changing something just by WANTING to change hoping and praying, striving and believing. Who knows what any of us will end up doing...but maybe what's just as, if not more, important is what we do on the way there...who we are on the journey, not just what we are at the destination. Person by person, pub by pub, shop by shop, office by office...maybe thats how the world is changed? There's other ways too...who knows where we'll end up. But I suppose something Im coming to realise is that its love that changes things, love showing through in every situation and motivating every thats 'different' and dynamic...God's love (hmm..essay conclusion coming up!). So...who says we can't change the world right here (or there..or wherever...), right now?
Back to the essay...xXx


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