crazy beautiful

Friday, November 18, 2005


It was one of those great 2 credit cards and my store card were completely paid off, cause for celebration. I borrow a large (very large) pair of scissors and prepare for the ceremonial cutting up of the closed account cards. The moment I'd longed for. The first cut felt so good...then a sudden realisation.
It's the wrong card.
(lessons for today children...never give Amy scissors {Andrea learnt that one}, or credit cards {my bank learnt that one} or store cards {that one goes to that most evil of evils - Topshop})


At 12:40 am, Blogger jas said...

Although it seems where one dies another is born. I just got another credit card to help with my addiction. Silly boy. It is very shiny though but I swear it has some sort of homing device in it as it's already successfully crawled its way into many a credit card reader. Hate to think what it's like when it grows up.

At 9:36 am, Blogger esther said...

amy, that is pure comic blonde-list type stuff. it seems none of us are safe to let loose as i have recently been a clumsy blonde and have taken to throwing books at people on trains for no other reason than i was too tired to hold it upright.

the blondelist lives on in infamy...but hey, at least we're laughing yes?


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