crazy beautiful

Saturday, April 03, 2004

The Passion

Finally got to see Mel Gibson's new film, The Passion of the Christ, yesterday evening. After afew weeks of debating the mere concept of the film..then the trailer..etcetc, I ifnqlly got to actually see the film! I don't want to say much about it here really, mainly because there'll be lots of people who still havent seen it and want to, and partly because Im not altogether sure what to write! So yeah...sure I'll chat to lots of you about it at some point, and I look forward to it.
Finished All Bar One at 5 today..oh the luxury! Bit of a trying day though..the whole entire til system broke down so we went back afew years and had only paper and calculators...was interesting!
I think...'think'...that I am finally, 4 years later, registered legitimatly as a Spring Harvest volunteer! Thought it was sorted over a week ago, and hwas having cold sweats about the prospect of being on the 'omega Zone' team with the 8-11's and a t0shirt with my name on it. But on closer inspection of the paper was the wrong week!..cue hysterical laughter. So rung them again...and now I'm doing the under-5's...vomit and pee here we come. was my preference to 8-11's so thats ok! Quite looking forward to it now...after all this! Added bonus..wonderful Jenny made me a t-shirt with my name on it for the omega zone, its beautiful and sparkly with music notes on it..dont actually HAVE to wear it now, but I have a new tshirt with my name on it..yay!!!


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