crazy beautiful

Friday, April 01, 2005

the return

Well...nearly four months on since my last post here in land of blog, I'm back. I can't quite believe it's been so long.
Things have been problematic, there has been a bit of a vicious circle thing going on here. The pattern of too many of my weeks lately has been roughly as follows: I travel to work(3hours), I work(7-8hours), I travel home from work(3hours), I sleep (only lately though, for a few months back there "sleep" was a drowsy state between consciousness and unconsciousness which resulted in absolutely no rest or anything else constructive whatsoever), I get up early, I travel to work, ditto ditto until saturday. Saturday: sleep sleep sleep until sunday. Sunday: go to church, stress about church, get a little bit angry at church..back to monday. SO - you try and fit anything else in there, thinking/reading/blogging/socialising/relaxing have all kind of gone out of the (national express coach)window, it's been tough.
I think I'm on a straight now though...the upward climb has been coming to an end, now I can walk straight for a while and maybe (maybe) sometime soon I'll even get to run with abandon down the hill again? We shall see.
It's not really bad...please don't misunderstand me. My job is great, it challenges and stretches me in new ways and I really am doing what I want to's just damn hard, and it's always easier when things are easy.
I do living is what I do well. I play I laugh I cry I travel I converse I think I watch and hear, but it's been harder to do those things recently and that's taken its toll. The scales are tipping though, life IS an adventure and I just have to keep on living that way...


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