crazy beautiful

Thursday, August 19, 2004


Hola, afew more days of spanish getting better but its so slow and (now this will surprise you!) - I really should be studying more! Its good though, I can just about manage a conversation although I must sound absolutely ridiculous!!
Today I am aching head to toe cos I had a surfing lesson yesterday..yay me!! It was so fun - I speant most of the time learning how to balance on the board on my belly, how to swim on the board and change direction, and how to sit on the board to look for waves - think I swallowed half of the caribbean sea, and the rest probably ended up in my ears cos I could hear bugger all this morning - it was realy cool though and am definately going to practise, the school has boards to rent, and have another lesson. I have serious pain though - my stomach, ankles and inner arms are all bruised from clinging onto the board, and all my muscles ache!..good excersis me thinks! Am doing well with the old excersise actually - lots of walking and abit of long distance cycling over strenuous terrain - I am quite the action girl!
Anyway, I should return to the school and, ooh, maybe lie in a up to my action girl status! lots of love, mjiss you all xx


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