crazy beautiful

Monday, August 23, 2004

...and back again

What is it about being out here I wonder?!! This time last year I was a vegetarian, in Bocas, deep in contemplation over whether or not I should begin eating meat again...the principal had become a habit. Now - I´m a meat-eater, on Boas, thinking of becoming a vegetarian again! Why? A very short conversation, in fact more of a passing comment, with a guy who was out here on why his brother is a vegetarian - "...well would you kill it (the animal) for food yourself?" And that was it, the conversation moved on but the questions really stuck with me. I am, as any of you who know me well, an extreme animal lover...dogs, pigeons, spiders (from a distance whenever possible) - stupid some would call it, but its been inbuilt me since I can remember. And no I would not kill a cow, or a sheep or even a chicken for food...and now Im talking about in the society I live in, my survival not being dependant on meat. The more I think about it at the moment, the less comfortable I am with eating meat - it comes down to convenience, no I wouldnt do it myself, but because theres other people to do it for me it´s ok?? I dont have to see what I dont like, so I can just discount it? days of bacon sandwiches may be numbered?!


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