checking in
Just a quick post to keep my little blog alive and not feeling too neglected.
I haven't really been especially inspired to blog recently...I am a little disillusioned with blogs, as am I a little disillusioned with church and, well with people in general really! (Not in a depressive bitter sort of way...I feel like it's just a phase I have to go through.)
Anyway, I won't have time for much blogging anyway over the next few weeks. I sat down with my work diary today and highlighted all of the 'days at work' in pink and the 'days out of work' in yellow...the pink days really did seem quite few and far between...then I did a long list of everything I need to get done on those pink days, and realised that the pink days really ARE very few and far between.
I'll be at Greenbelt thursday to monday (yellow but kind of pink as it's technically 'for' work..yes my job is great!!), then theres a couple of pink days, then I'll be in Sardinia on a beach (yay, yay...most definitely yellow and not even a little pink dot), then pink for a few more days, then I go to the USA (VERY exciting as I've never been there, at least not if airport changes aren't counted!) - that will be mostly yellow with a little pink if my laptop arrives on time.
So...whatever colour it is, everything is quite busy.