Round here
Round here its a place where people wear coconut jewellry, smoke marlboro lights and dont worry unneccessarily about body hair, mud splashes, sweatiness, rain drenched hair..or anything really! Round here umberellas are used mainly when its sunny, even though it rains all the time. Round here I have adopted the school dog, Alsa, dog who loves me enough to walk me home at night and bark at anyone we pass to protect me, she even waits outside toilets for me to come out! Here I am still the fastest walker in town...its taken me 3 weeks to lose my london speed-walking habit and I am going to try very hard not to get it back when I return! Here it makes me sad because so many people are either buying or selling land...everyone thinks that they know the best way to change the island, and tourist trap tactics are on the increase. Here you get islands consisting of just one tree. Here the island is misunderstood...and the sand flies, thunder storms, "stubborn" indigenous land-owners and eccentric locals will keep on fighting against the supposition that this place can be recreated to cater to ´ideal´ that people have for it. Round here too many people are so hung up on what they think is wrong with the place, that they miss out completely on alot of what´s good about it. Viva Bocas